Valerie Crowe is an ex-pat who moved to Florida from the UK ten years ago and shows no signs of returning any time soon
Having had a professional career in forensic science she observed that it doesn’t matter how many scientific papers one writes, they will not hold the attention of many young children. That’s when she decided that writing children’s stories may hold their attention in a more productive framework
Living in the European environment with its rich history for the first part of her life has helped Valerie with the background of some of her stories, especially the Precious Knights series. As she has often been reminded by her four grandchildren, stories need to be written down if they are going to be told and re told correctly to different generations. The four stories in the Adventure of the Precious Knights definitely owe their backgrounds to European culture, with the fourth book Are You a Dragon? bringing in the Scottish love of myths and monsters.
The onset of school and the joys of pet ownership for the grandchildren resulted in the next series of the ‘Panic’ books. With this series, Crowe has identified some of the problems that children face when they start school and also how the bond between a child and a pet can influence their actions. The third and last book in the Panic series is a Christmas story with the characters once again encountering a problem which gets solved in time for the holidays.
Future stories are being planned, and new characters are being formulated. Crowe shows no signs of hanging up her pen any time soon because her reading audience (especially her own grandchildren) is ever demanding.
Future travel will provide more material, and more ideas for more stories. If you look hard enough, the material is all around you. You just have to sort it out, add your magic, and write it down.
ISBN: 1480850859 (pbk)
Offering an amusing picture of life in the United States from a British point of view, Who Put Ice in My Tea? shares a collection of short stories detailing the cultural differences between the United States and the United Kingdom.
Author Valerie Crowe, a newcomer to the United States, narrates humorous anecdotes and musings about life in her new country. From driving on the right-hand side of the road, to the trials of pushing a disabled shopping cart, to battling a fitted soap dispenser, to dealing with computerized voice answering services, and more, she gives a compelling first-person perspective of adjusting to an array of new and interesting situations in the United States.
The British answer to Erma Bombeck, Who Put Ice in My Tea? presents a variety of observations from a woman who moved from Jolly Old and is trying to acclimate to a life and fresh experiences in Florida.
ISBN: 9781480873551 (pbk)
Finding the humor in everyday living, author Valerie Crowe presents a collection of essays that takes a look at the world from her point of view.
From the problems a grandmother faces babysitting the grandchildren, to the trauma of attempting to fold a fitted sheet, to the issues of aging, Oh, Sheet! explores a range of topics as experienced by Crowe, a woman who has sailed through the sea of life and weathered a few storms.
Offering sly insights in an intimate, conversational style, Crowe gives an entertianing and unique perspective on an array of subjects familiar to many.
I know that it cannot just be me! I am totally convinced that my recent “Houdini” exploits in trying to fold a fitted sheet qualify as one of the most common complaints experienced by anyone who has to do a weekly load of laundry that involves bed linens.
I have watched countless YouTube videos on the art of folding these seemingly innocent objects, but as soon as I’m confronted with the wretched things, the nightmare starts again. I’ve tried laying them out on the bed and stretching out the corners, but as soon as I think I have one side under control, the other side curls up into a ball, and it’s back to square one.
ISBN: 9781480830936 (hc)
ASIN: B0794RK78C
A sick baby dragon is no fun for anyone! Timothy Dragon has caught a cold and is having explosive sneezes and fiery coughs all around Castle Precious. Not even the Precious KnightsSir Gold, Sir Silver, and Sir Rustycan help him, since he cant even swallow their soothing strawberry cough medicine.
Then a wizard comes to the castle and tells the knights about a damsel who has been kidnapped and is being held prisoner in a stone fortress guarded by two bad-tempered stripy dragons. The knights set out to rescue her, with some helpful advice on dragons from Timothy. When they discover that the damsel, Princess Crystal, has the ability to heal people with her tears, the knights take her back to Castle Precious. Perhaps she can help cure Timothys cold!
In this childrens story, the knights of castle precious work to help both their sick dragon friend and a princess in distress, making sure everyone is safe and healthy.
ISBN: 9781480829565 (hc)
Sir Gold, Sir Silver, and Sir Rusty are brave knights and best friends who fiercely protect Castle Precious and the villagers of Everbright from the scourge of terrifying stripy dragons.
One day while on their way back to the castle, the knights find a newly hatched baby stripy dragon crying for its mother and decide to adopt him so they can learn more about the sworn mortal enemies of the land. As the little dragon grows bigger and stronger from a diet of strawberry tarts, the knights anxiously wait to see if he can really help them in their quest to better understand the flying fiery reptiles.
In this delightful childrens story, a trio of knights sworn to protect their mystical land from scary creatures adopt a baby dragon who helps educate them about his reptilian traits.
ISBN: 9781480845626 (hc)
ASIN: B07965VZN9
Timothy the dragon is in a rotten mood. The Precious Knights Sir Gold, Sir Silver, and Sir Rusty cant understand whats caused their loveable little dragon to be so miserable. Sir Rusty and Sir Silver embark on a quest to visit a local wizard to determine why Timothy is upset.
After encountering a marauding band of stripy dragons and dealing with that problem, the two knights find the local wizard who reveals the reason for Timothys mood. Could it be they missed celebrating an important milestone? Perhaps Timothys feelings hurt because they forgot his important ten-moon birthday? The friends must return to the castle in time to fix the problem.
Whose Birthday is It?, a picture book for children, shares how even dragons can be disappointed but that good friends can help make life better.
ISBN: 9781950075218 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781950075652 (epub)
In this, the fourth book in 'The Precious Knights' series, a strange creature meets the young dragon, Timothy. Are You a Dragon? introduces Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, all the way from Drumnadrochit in bonnie Scotland. Och Aye!
ISBN: 9781950075133 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781950075508 (epub)
A new school, new friends, a beloved pet and a jealous classmate. This story deals with how spite and jealousy can spoil a good time for everyone. Luckily, true friendship, a smart teacher and the love between a girl, and her dog win the day!
ISBN: 9781950075461 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781950075508 (epub)
New friends and old friends (with a few turtles thrown in) all learn that they are stronger together, especially when danger threatens. The pets find out that by helping each other through this time they are forming a strong bond for the future.
ISBN: 9781950075706 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781950075713 (epub)
Loretta's school is giving a party for the children at the local orphanage but a lost order could mean disaster. However, Loretta, her friends and her pup, Gloucester get creative and come to the rescue.
Panic at the North Pole is a cute children's story that teaches children that creative thinking can help you solve problems.
ISBN: 9781950075614 (hc)
ISBN: 9781950075621 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781950075638 (epub)
Not all friends fit into a standard pattern of what a friend should look like, and Malcolm the moose certainly is not standard. However, two of his best friends are determined that size should not stop Malcolm from being included in any fun party plans. Ingenuity and imagination help to keep Malcolm upright so that he and all his friends can enjoy the party.
ISBN: 9781957832340 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781957832357 (epub)
Malcolm the Moose has gone missing! When the children find him, he is slumped under a tree with a bird's nest beside him and a huge bump on his head. Can Malcolm save the egg and reunite it with its upset mother in time to save the baby bird's life?