Sherry is a yoga studio owner, yoga instructor and renowned hugger. She loves working self-hugs into her yoga classes and believes that loving ourselves is a radical idea whose time has come. She is obsessed with elevating the self-esteem and positivity of men, women and children one book, one yoga posture, and one smile at a time.

Sherry is a sought after self-confidence author in person and virtually. She was selected to present at the highly coveted Amelia Island Book Festival, a celebrated guest in Boys & Girls Clubs, R Clubs, library reading programs, Great American Teach-In for local schools, Barnes & Noble kids reading program, Juvenile Arthritis Family Summit and private virtual sessions for corporations and classrooms. Sherry has been featured in various forms of media including the Tamron Hall Show on Instagram, the Detroit Free Press, 21st Century Newspapers, Spectrum Bay News 9, Tampa Bay Newspapers, Patch in many communities and other online portals.