Stephanie White, wife, mother, licensed minister, former missionary with Cru, and teacher, has come to know God as Jehovah-Jireh, the God who provides. She graduated from Appalachian State University with a bachelor’s degree in special education. White has spent 23 years as an educator in public schools.

In 2011, due to a sustained injury, she lost her job. She found herself humbled before God and the following day she received a check in the mail. She declared that to be her kiss from God.

In 2014 she took on the role as youth minister. White possesses a passion for communicating the gospel to people of all ages. This is evident through her six-year ministry with Campus Crusade for Christ.

The term kiss from God transformed her completely. Within weeks, she began to use what she had come to describe as her two fish and five loaves—the little talent that she had to write and draw—as an opportunity to create poetic messages and images that coincided with the theme, “Kisses from God”.

God has orchestrated her life with intention and divine purpose—to impact the hearts of young people for Him. Her prayer is that God use her written work, Kisses from GodLittle Brown Boy You Are a STAR!I Am Divinely Beautiful, and her new Charity Series books as ministry tools to convey His love to children near and far. In addition, her prayer is that every reader will experience the relational God, she treasures, both intimately and personally, as He bestows heaven-sent kisses on their daily lives.

She currently resides in McDonough, Georgia with her husband, Jerry, for 29 years and is a mother of four.