Nicole Cleveland is the founder of Breathe Again Ministries, Breathe Again Magazine and host of Breathe Again Radio & TV Show.
She has helped thousands of women extract purpose from the pain they've endured. She has a heart for those on the verge of giving up, like she once was. Her ministry and personal mission is to ensure people are not suffering in silence.
In 2010 she released her debut book, So He Hurt You, Now What?, her personal testimony of overcoming an affair in her marriage; an affair that produced a child.
Her new release, So He Hurt You, Now What?: Messages of Hope For a Hurting Sister speaks to women that are broken-hearted from a break up or betrayal by their spouse or boyfriend.
God is the steady rock that stays consistent in her life. Without God, nothing she does would be possible.
ISBN: 9780982600504 (pbk)
“Rebuilding trust is a joint effort and begins in your mind.”~ Nicole Cleveland
Nicole Cleveland knows a little something about rebuilding a marriage after an affair. Her very own marriage was almost destroyed when her husband abandoned their family a mere five days after she gave birth to their third child. After a shameful separation, the Lord restored her marriage. In the midst of her pain, she found her purpose; to encourage motivate and inspire women by sharing her personal testimony with women everywhere.
Bonus: Why Did You Cheat? The answers to the tough questions in the cheater's own words
ISBN: 9781494880378 (pbk)
Imagine a girlfriend flying in to be with you for the first sixty days of a heartbreak. She is there to wipe your tears, hear you scream and be that listening ear. She will not allow you to fall in a state of depression or give up on life. So He Hurt You, Now What ? Messages of Hope For a Hurting Sister is that girlfriend in your ear during those difficult times. These messages of hope speak directly to that hurting sister on the verge of giving up. "Cry, scream and yell if you must. But when you are finished, wipe your tears, fix your clothes, get out the bed and Live Again - Dream Again - Breathe Again" ~ Nicole Cleveland
ISBN: 978 (pbk)
ISBN: 978 (epub)
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ISBN: 978 (pbk)
ISBN: 978 (epub)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.