John York grew up in a rural town in central Ohio and has fond memories of working on the extended-family farms during the summer months of his youth. He served in the Air Force with the 3rd Air Rescue and Recovery Group in Viet Nam and in Thailand with the 40th Rescue and Recovery Squadron toward the end of that unpopular war. 

John eventually attended college at Florida Atlantic University and received his bachelor’s degree in computer science and worked in that industry for the next 24 years. The beginning of this period was when the Internet was being born, and I was lucky enough to have been involved in many of the historic efforts to create and evolve those technologies. 

Along the way, my wife, Paula, and I built our beloved Hellanback Ranch (HB) in the back country of San Diego County. This was our little piece of paradise where we raised livestock, planted wine grapes, and started a winery. Ramona, the little town a few miles from the ranch, was a great place to live, and over the years we became very involved in the community. The time came, however, when ranching and winemaking were a bit overwhelming, and the Yorks made the painful decision to sell the ranch. They relocated to New Port Richey on the west coast of Florida so that he could focus on writing.

John got the idea to start writing novels around 2014. He had done a lot of professional writing dealing with management and technology during his career, but always loved telling stories. It was in his blood, as he would say. In 2016 he retired and has been writing ever since. John has published books in several different genres. He also loves to cook, play the piano and sing, and has composed several songs. John is still involved with winemakers back in California and enjoys mentoring those who are just getting started in that industry.