Jim Lee is a fourth-generation Floridian raised, in his early years, on a cattle ranch south of Kissimmee, Florida. As a boy, he spent considerable time hunting rabbits and running fish traps. His family moved to Orlando where he remained until he joined the U.S. Army. During his time in the service, he worked as a cryptographer in Japan. 

Jim has hunted many areas of the state, fly fished many central Florida lakes, and salt water fished most of Florida’s coastline and the Florida Keys. Turkey hunting and offshore fishing are his passions. 

He was schooled at the University of Florida and at Alameda University. While making a living and raising his children, he was CEO of Florida Material Handling and Caster, Executive Director of the Florida League of Anglers, Sales Manager for Craft Equipment, Agent Manager for Allied Van Lines and Mayflower Van lines, owned a restaurant and finally a became mortgage broker. All the while, he wrote various articles for fun and profit. 

Lee published Seafood Legends in 2008 and distributed them on both coasts of Florida and published a second edition in the summer of 2018. 

He was a correspondent for the Tampa Tribune for 27 years, writing a weekly column on fishing and human-interest stories. His articles have been published in Saltwater Fishing magazine, Florida Sportsman magazine and six other outdoor magazines. He also published Florida Fishing magazine, a newspaper give-away that was distributed on the Gulf Coast of Florida, and through J.C. Penny Co. where he wrote ad copy. 

Lee wrote and produced several radio shows, and wrote ad copy and sold ads for three radio shows on three different radio stations, The Getaway Show with Jim & Joe, The Getaway Show with Sergio, and The Getaway Fishing Show. 

Lee also hosted a nationwide telephone fishing report for the Tampa Bay area, where northern anglers could get the current information to be able to plan their trips in advance. Lee also served as a food critic for seafood restaurants on-line on a weekly basis and wrote a weekly column for the Tampa Bay Area website. 

You can reach Jim via email at: jleebetterrates@tampabay.rr.com.